STAMOX® 3 x 200g
STAMOX® Pigeons – speed and endurance
Are you looking for a way to get your pigeons home faster? Then read on…
World firstPigeons fly faster and further with new, revolutionary product
For the first time in history
StamoxVet is a truly superior product. It is the first pigeon sport product in history to be approved worldwide by the Olympic Committee accredited laboratory.
StamoxVet has been found to be completely safe and is proven not to contain any substances classified as drugs or doping.
Have your pigeons “upgraded” … and gain speed.
Stamox is in fact not a device or a machine, but a plant extract that is added as a supplement.
And it can work wonders!
Imagine your pigeons could
increase their speed by 2-3 km
increase their stamina by around 15%
increase the use of oxygen in their cells
increase the blood supply and circulation to all organs
increase their concentration and mental alertness
increase their willingness to train
This is in fact exactly what Stamox Vet will do to your pigeons
Stamox has been tested on human athletes and racehorses with excellent results. Last season Stamox was tested on pigeons with great success and many pigeon fanciers in the Netherlands, Belgium, Malta, Portugal, South Africa, Australia etc. have also decided to give StamoxVet to their racing pigeons and the number is increasing daily.
The use of Stamox for racing pigeons
During the trip, give 1 teaspoon of StamoxVet to 1 liter of drinking water 2 days a week or 2 hours before each training and on the return day. In the juvenile phase before the flight season: three weeks before take-off, give 1 teaspoon of StamoxVet to 2 liters of drinking water 1 or 2 days a week. To build up condition: Mondays and Tuesdays, give 1 teaspoon of StamoxVet per liter of drinking water |
Stamox Vet is absolutely natural and healthy
StamoxVet is made only from the extract of beet roots. A patented production method ensures that the valuable micronutrients are preserved. Stamox is a 100% natural food supplement without any artificial additives or chemical modifications.
The reason for the amazing effect of Stamox
“Scientists believe that Stamox Beetroot Powder makes energy production (in the mitochondria) and muscle function more efficient. Evidence to support these effects points to several responsible mechanisms, including increased mitochondrial formation (mitochondrial biogenesis), improved ATP formation with reduced oxygen consumption, improved efficiency of mitochondrial respiration and the link to improved metabolic efficiency of muscle contraction.” It goes without saying that the quality of the beet powder is crucial for achieving good results. StamoxVet is standardized and optimized in terms of the essential nutritional values to give the pigeons the best possible advantage. With StamoxVet “average performers” suddenly improve to “top performers” or in the best case become “surprise winners”. You might be concerned that this must be illegal doping. This is indeed a concern that you need to take seriously. But StamoxVet is exclusively an extract from the root of the beetroot, a common vegetable used as feed. To prove that Stamox is safe and legal, we have had it assessed and further analyzed by the Olympic Anti Doping Laboratory in Cambridge. These confirm that Stamox is safe and legal.
Composition: Beetroot root extract (botanical source Beta Vulgaris, used part: root) Preservatives: sodium benzoate & sodium propionate, stabilizer: ascorbic acid, Average nutritional values per 100g: Natural Vegetable Sugar 82g, Sodium 1.0g, Potassium 0.6g Ingredients: Crude Protein: 6.7 Crude Fat : 0.4, Carbohydrates: 82 , Crude Ash: 2 No added nutritional ingredients.
Don’t miss out on another chance to win big prizes.
Order StamoxVet for your pigeons.
The inventor of Stamox and StamoxVet is Dr. Nils Reither. He graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht, Holland in 1990 and has worked as a practicing veterinarian in Norway, Sweden and New Zealand.
This user recommendation was given by Mr. Sjaak Buwalda, a professional pigeon fancier and pigeon racer from the Netherlands. Sjaak has worked for Eijerkamp for many years and has owned his own loft for flying and breeding in Friesland, the Netherlands, since 2003.